The mother of invention.
Ok, so I'm not inventing anything. But, I was motivated to begin something new. I was motivated to start a new blog because some of my comments on other blogs didn't appear. I modified the DNS settings on my router (since I'm using a "blocking" dns server to protect my family, I wanted to make sure it wasn't blocking comments - but that's material for another blog in the future). I modified security settings on my router. Still nothing! Well, at least I don't think anything happened. I hope some poor chap's blog doesn't show up with 100 comments, pretty much saying the same thing, but altered slightly.
So, I've started a blog so I can test commenting on one without totally messing up someone else's. I guess I also wanted a place to share my music besides for MySpace (which, I never uploaded my music, out of fear of I don't know what). Facebook doesn't seem like a good place to share music. It's a place to connect with friends, not a place to advertise. Well, evidently, it IS a place to advertise, but a part-time musician probably shouldn't have a facebook page. At least that's how I'm currently feeling.
But, then again, is a blog spot a place to share music? Well, maybe not. And since that wasn't conclusive, I didn't start a blog for that reason. But testing. Now that's a reason. My wife wasn't able to comment on a great blog she just read. How can I stand by and not be able to do something about that? I mean, I tried everything I else I know - Google, router modifications, DNS modifications. I did get one comment go post via my Android phone. Could Comcast be blocked from commenting? I don't know. So, maybe testing wasn't an all conclusive reason for starting a blog.
I do want to be more creative. I'm getting older, and my desire to make a difference - to encourage people like I am encouraged by other's creativity is a bit of a motivator. I've created songs, mostly instrumental in scope, with a few different instruments, but writing, has caught my attention. I almost don't want to write, because I know I don't have a gift for it like my wife, Melanie has. But I will swallow my pride and write.
So, more than one reason to start a blog. It seems rather like my life - jack of all trades and master of none. But, I guess I don't have to have a masterful reason to start a blog. Just a reason. Or, a slew of them. And perhaps that means that it's ok to have more than one pursuit and be a "jack of all trades".
Well, the hour is growing late. I have work tomorrow morning and I want to spend time with my family before I head off to bed. Perhaps I'll start testing my comments tomorrow.
If anybody out there in the universe ever reads this, I figured out why comments weren't getting posted. I swapped my wireless router with another brand and it now works! You'd think it was a setting in the old router, but I changed all the possible security settings.